Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat and Nothing Sweet?

My favorite part of Halloween has never been the costumes or the parties or even the lovely little trick or treat-ers most of whom are adorable but many of whom seem to get older every year. If you're old enough to vote maybe your trick or treating days should be behind you. Just sayin.
For me Halloween has always been about the stash of candy that my daughter was never able to successfully hide from me. Hey, at least I always gave her a head start. First I would work my way through the leftover candy I bought for the trick or treat-ers. Then I would start in on her stash.

When it comes to Halloween my go-to-candy is chocolate. Milk chocolate. You can have your lolly pops, liquorice and pretzels. Even cookies leave me cold on Halloween. Not a fan of candy corn or hard candy,Reese's pieces,milk duds,snickers and M&Ms are where my heart lies. 

If I am still sensitive to milk chocolate next Halloween, I have a plan. The experts at Sage tell me there are options. Indie Candy and Sweet Pete's both offer allergen free candy. Hmmm. Maybe Easter?

Sadly, this year I'll have to do without. No delicious chocolate candy for me. Yes, I know what your're thinking. "BOO WHO!"

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