Tuesday, October 19, 2010


When you're allergic to eggs, milk,wheat, oranges and grapefruit what's left to eat for breakfast? That pretty much leaves out eggs, omelets, pancakes, toast, bagels, cereal, or a fruit plate. Breakfast is just no fun anymore. And even less fun since I gave up coffee. 

Since college, the smell of brewing coffee was always motivation to get out of a warm bed, no matter how early my day started. (or how late my night ended) And from the moment I had my first cup at age seventeen I became a caffeine addict who could not hold a civilized conversation before my first cup. A purist, I preferred only coffee with my coffee. No sugar, no milk no nothing. And although I did learn to enjoy the occasional cup of hazelnut, I was never a fan of designer coffee. Latte what? I never did get the whole foam craze. But I must admit that I am  impressed when I'm dragged into a Starbucks and witness a friend order an Espresso Con Pannas or an Iced Single Venti Mocha, no whip. It takes real commitment to place an order like that. These types of coffee lovers intimidate the frap out of me.

As for me,coffee eventually took it's toll. Besides staining my teeth and leaving a terrible taste in my mouth, it occasionally upset my stomach. And a few weeks ago,I had to ask myself: Is it really coffee I love or the idea of coffee? Truth be told I always preferred the smell over the taste and because of that, coffee always seemed to over-promise and under-deliver.

I always heard that weening off of caffeine can be a miserable experience resulting in headaches. Because I switched from coffee to caffeinated green tea, I didn't experience any withdrawal other than being a little tired for a few days. 

So what is on my breakfast menu these days? Mostly Fruit. (yawn) And because I have to rotate; here is a typical week.

Monday:      Strawberries and Bananas
Tuesday:     Cantaloupe
Wednesday: Grapes
Thursday:    Apples
Friday:        Strawberries and Bananas
Saturday:    Grapes and/or apples
Sunday:       Bacon. (I know. But I have to shake things up sometimes.)

Now that I'm in week four, I finally feel like I am getting the hang of this. And you know what else? I feel good. That bloated stomach that has cursed me for years is gone!Go figure.

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