Monday, October 11, 2010

The Icing on the Cake

So on my birthday, I really wanted a piece of cake but three of the main ingredients in cake are flour (made from wheat) eggs and milk. And since I am at the end of my second week of avoiding my allergic foods, I had to ask myself, "Do I really want to cheat?" 

If this were a weight loss diet the effects a piece of cake could be reversed with a couple of hours of vigorous exercise. Okay, so this an allergy diet. Was there anything I could do? Enzymes or Crunches? 

I scoured the Sage website for a loophole. But there it was. Painfully clear in black in white: "You can expect to get better only if you completely eliminate the foods to which you are sensitive. There is no getting away from it. Your immune system knows if you are “cheating” with even the smallest amount. To Repeat: The offending foods must be completely and rigorously removed from your diet." Fudge!

I guess that should have been the end of it. Okay, here comes the disclaimer: If you are in the avoidance diet, DO NOT try this at home!

There it sat on the dessert plate. Looking like a slice of heaven. Daring me. (I could have sworn it winked at me.) It was the untouched piece of mouthwatering chocolate cake with chocolate icing that I brought home to my daughter, Olivia. 

It was just all too tempting. Olivia reached for the fork and the rest is an ugly blur. The next thing I knew, I was licking a smidgen of icing off the tip of the fork. My daughter stared at me wide eyed and open mouthed. "You ate cake!" 

"No", I corrected. "I tasted the icing." Afraid I wouldn't stop there, Olivia grabbed fork and the cake and disappeared.

The amount of icing on the fork was not enough to fill a thimble, but it was chocolate icing that may have contained, butter,and milk

So have I blown it? Do I have to start over? Have I been done in by the icing on the cake?

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